I need a moment to fangirl before I can write this review:


Once again, I didn't think I'd love this book as much as I did. Except I probably should have. All my favorite fellow bookworms on BookLikes and on Goodreads gushed so much about this series, I just had to check it out. It lived up to my expectations and MORE. I expected to have a few laughs, but I didn't think I'd want the whole book on a funny t-shirt! Especially this one about Reyes.

“Reyes Farrow. Because perfection is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”


Reyes. Oh my god, Reyes.

Charley Davidson (seriously, this name!) is who every girl wants to be—and doesn't want to be. She's a sexy, kick-ass woman with great style, but she has a really shitty personal life. Her step-mom and sister barely acknowledge her existence. Her dad never stands up for her (really, I wanted to knock him over the head with a chair) and Garrett the Asshole is, well, an asshole. She also happens to be the grim reaper, and is always being creeped on by dead people. Yes, she does see dead people.

But hey, she's having some really great sex these days. In her sleep. But that's more than I'm getting, so you go girl! Basically, I liked that on a weird, freaky level, a girl could relate to Charley. And can I just say, boy am I glad to find a heroine that isn't afraid to look hot without feeling like a slut.


One thing I was surprised about was Charley's attitude. Even though her life sucks, she's not some whiny bitch that complains throughout the whole novel. She's a glass half full kinda gal, and I'm liking it. I'm starting to get annoyed at the oh-poor-me-my-life-blows "heroines."


For a guy in a coma, Reyes has got moves. Those orgasmic dreams she's been having in her sleep? Yep, that was Reyes. For most of the book, I (and pretty much everybody who's read this book) was wondering what and who the hell this guy was; eventually, Charley figured it out, but it's so shocking when she does!

Read this book. Even if you have doubts, READ THIS BOOK. It's so good I'm almost afraid to read the next book. It couldn't possibly get any better than FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT.

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