Need You Tonight - Roni Loren
Sooo good! As always for a Roni Loren book, I loved it! ^_^

Favorite Quotes:

He went back to licking her with hungry enthusiasm, and he pushed the leather-wrapped handle of the cane inside her. Her body clasped around the invasion and she made a desperate sound. "Oh, God.”

“I may be cocky, but I’m not going to fumble around. I’m not going to lie back and wait for you to take the lead. I’m going to feed you the best meal of your life. Bite by bite. Then I’m going to fuck you. And I promise, when you wake up tomorrow, you won’t remember the food.”

Tomorrow she would be marked. She would be sore. She would probably be shocked that she’d done this in front of others. But at that moment, she didn’t fucking care. She was sailing.