
I Swallow Books is brought to you by one 21-year-old lady whose bread and butter is in between the covers of true crime, (mainstream/erotic) romance, erotica, science fiction, horror, and anything else that interests me.
This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
2.5 starsThis review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
3.5 stars ~This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
I buddy read Shatter Me with Seann and Anna of YA Buddy Readers’ Corner ♥. I had fun, girls! Can’t wait to read more with you guys!This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
R.L. Stine was one of my first favorite authors growing up and the goosebumps series my first fiction love. When I saw my library had the new classic goosebumps audiobooks, I was thrilled! I never did read every single goosebumps book like I wanted to, and I have wanted to delve back into the series since I have found a new love for middle grade books this year.This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
George is a book I picked up when I was looking for something to listen to as I was organizing the bookshelf last weekend. I realized my library had an audio copy of this book that had been on my TBR list since it first came out and I quickly snapped it up and downloaded it right away.This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
This was a buddy read with Elizabeth over at ♥YA Buddy Reads Corner♥. I really enjoyed dishing about the book with you, girl!This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
It’s not often that I pick up a book expecting a sappy, predictable read and wind up wowed, but this was my experience with Evernight. Let’s back up a bit, though. I tend to go a bit crazy at used bookstores. I picked up this book acknowledging that I haven’t been in the mood for vampire romances in a LONG time, but I couldn’t pass up the good deal (It was $5.40 but since I have standing credit there, I only paid $2.70 for the book). YA books tend to be on the expensive side, so when I see a popular read that other bloggers have reviewed, I pick it up.This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
My obsession with Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund began the way many addictions begin for me: my mother tagged me in a Facebook post. It was a cold and windy Saturday and I was developing an icky sinus infection. My mom and I were on our way home from a get-better-soon shopping trip to Barnes and Noble and I noticed a notification on my Facebook App. The moment I saw that adorable video of Crusoe in an Easter bunny costume, I was hooked! I quickly subscribed to his Facebook page, tracked down his blog, and once I learned he had written a book, well, I WAS SOLD. I guess Mom got tired of dealing with my drool stains, because she was kind enough to buy me a copy of his book!This review was originally posted on One Curvy Blogger
Warning: If you have not read Nil, I do not recommend reading Nil Unlocked until you have. While the story would work okay as a stand alone, its best to experience this story as a sequel as some of the important aspects of the setting will probably be lost to you.